I've been inspired by the amazing artists and projects on this board to tell an original story about Pre-Eternia, Skelepimp style!
Here are the first pages of the Online-Comic I'm doing that will take a look into Eldor's adventures in the Dragon Wars and then the Demon Wars. Featuring our hosts, Skeletor and Catra. They're kind of like the Crypt Keeper in "Tales from the Crypt". Reading to us the stories from one of Eldor's long lost books.
And here are some faces will be seeing in the story to come... He-Ro - The most powerful wizard in the universe and the toy that never got made. He was the man in Pre-Eternia and we'll see why.
Eldor - Eldor is He-Ro's mentor and a head member of the council of the Council of Wisdom. He is a very powerful and wise wizard.
and here are some original characters we'll get to know as the story unfolds!
He-Salvo - Thanks, He-Salvo! You'll see more! It can't end there!
Boo - Thanks, Boo! Man, you're a real pal for commenting on all these sites! I know it can be a pain in the butt, but you do it! I appreciate it! Boo for President!
Pimp - it's all cool bro, i have a number of differnt email accounts, connected to a number of message boards, so everytime i open an email i get all kinds of post reminders, i take each board at a time and it's not only politness, i like your stuff :)
BOO + President = world leader
Gothic girls, goblins and all things dark and squishy
Gothic, Robotic and utterly dark